Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Command of the day: hotspot2calltree

Today, the command of the day is hotspot2calltree.

I do like a lot using kcachegrind to tune my C++ code. You can use KCacheGrind to navigate through the actual function calls in a given execution of your program and seeing very graphically where the time is spent.

Today i needed to optimize some python code but that's not C++ code. No problem. Add in your code this:

import hotshot
prof = hotshot.Profile("profile.hotspot")

And then, at the shell:

sudo apt-get install kcachegrind-converters
hotspot2calltree -o profile.callgrind profile.hotspot
kcachegrind profile.callgrind

And now you get a nice kcachegrind profile you can navigate on.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Preparing for GSoC 2008

GSoC 2008 is already here! We are preparing our submision for CLAM as organization and I hope we are as lucky as last year. For GSoC 2007 we got 6 fervent students who pushed CLAM a big step forward. We still don't know whether we will be selected as organization or not. We haven't even filled the submision data. But it is time to trigger some resorts. So, what to do now?

If you are an experienced CLAM developer, please consider becoming a mentor. The more mentors the more students we can cope with.

If you are a user, is the time to push your favourite feature into the GSoC project proposals.

If you are an student wanting to be part of the program, I advice you to get involved with the project from now as we will consider early involvement a big plus for eligibility.

If you are Xavi, Pau or myself, then you should fill CLAM submision instead of blogging ;-)

I love summer.